Tuesday 25 September 2012

Analysing music videos: 'In your arms' Kina Grannis.

So I've decided to analyse a couple more music videos and this one is called 'In your arms' by Kina Grannis. This video is incredible because it's made entirely of jelly beans! Kina is singing and doing actions on top of the jelly beans using stop motion but the entire background and all of the animals and weather are made entirely of jelly beans. So to start us off, here's the video: (prepare to be amazed)

To start off:

Camerawork: So the camerawork in this video is very very simple. The camera position doesn't change, but the angle of the jelly beans does. This gives the impression that the camera is changing position and creating different angles but it's all done with jelly beans. It's very very clever!!

Stop motion: The use of stop motion in this video is absolutely essential. The stop motion makes this video very very incredible to watch. It makes you realise how much work it would take to actually go in to this video, as we associate stop motion with being a slow process, and with the added aspect of jelly beans for the background, it makes the audience appreciate exactly how much work has gone into this video. Also the use of stop motion enables the director to include different things such as jelly bean birds, and Kina's lips etc. It also makes it very easy to change location. For example, she uses a window cleaner to change the location. This makes it very entertaining for the audience to watch as the location is constantly changing which is good because there is no way that the audience could get bored or distracted by something else because we're constantly watching for the change of location.

Props: Kina changes props from time to time. Some of these include a window cleaner, guitar and goggles. This could help a range of audience members to relate to this video, especially young people. By incorporating young and exciting things to do (and the added value of jelly beans) makes this video an attraction for a younger audience of the teens and 20's.

Costume: Kina also changes costume occasionally. For example when she is skiing, she changes form having a raincoat to having a winter parka. This makes us believe that she is actually in the location, and that the background isn't made of jelly beans. It also makes us believe that she is genuinely cold and she needs a winter parka because of all the jelly bean snow! the added effect of costume to the aspect of the jelly bean background makes the video more realistic and possibly more believable! 

Performance aspect: During this video, we constantly see her performing, apart from when her outline turns into jelly beans. Even then when she is animated with jelly beans her mouth is moving, implying that her character is performing. Also she lip synchs the words so we know that she is the main performer. I think the fact that she is there makes this video that much more interesting. It's not just jelly beans all over the place, the added aspect of her acting and singing gives the video another layer. Also it makes the video more personal to her, as it's her video and her song. Also it gives you a visual representation of the performer rather than just pretending she is there, by watching the jelly bean animation.

More research to follow! :)

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