Friday 11 January 2013

Back from Christmas!

Ok, so we're back from the christmas holidays and we've realised that we really need to get on with our video and ancillary tasks. As we're behind form America we've got a lot to catch up on, lots of things to finish and a LOT of planning to do for our evaluation. I've made a little to-do list for me for the next few weeks. Our final deadline for everything including the blog is the 15th March! So here's my to-do list:

-Priority: FINISH FILMING. We still have three more shots to film and these are essential for getting our film completed otherwise there will be gaps, we've decided to arrange a meeting with Amber and Max to film the missing shots, which leads me on to my next point: -

-Organise a shoot with Max and Amber. This is also essential because we need to finish ourfilms as quickly as possible! This should be happening next week.

-We are currently editing the photos for our digi-pak, but I still have a lot to do in terms of what we're going to have on the actual digi-pak. Hopefully I should be drawing and researching a few things I can put on the digi-pak today.

-Begin the planning for our evaluation. We've only recently been introduced to the planning and the beginning of our evaluation. In the next few weeks we will be discussing and planning what we want to put in our evaluation in terms of different media technology. We've already decided that we want one of the questions to be in video form, and possibly one in the form of a blog post? However we still need to plan what to put into each question and then put those into writing etc.

I've got a lot I can be getting on with, so more to follow! :)

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