Wednesday 30 January 2013

Research of past evaluations

So we're currently in the process of planning our evaluation. We've filmed some of question one, and we're currently fiddling about with Prezi and powerpoint to make sure that we're 100% confident with them when we come to making our evaluation. I've decided to research 2 past students evaluations and analyse the good points and bad points of each video.

Here's the first video I'm going to be analysing:

Good elements:

  • Her analysis of Goodwin's theory and other aspects involving her music video is very indepth and insightful. The way she analyses her video is clever as she constantly refers to her video and how the decisions she made contributed to her overall product. She also uses very relevant and specific technical vocabulary, making her sound intelligent and making her sound like she knows exactly what she's talking about.
  • She analyses the technical products surrounding her music video very well and adds really in-depth analysis and looks at different aspects that we actually haven't considered when analysing.
Bad elements:

  • There isn't enough variety in this video. She talks throughout, but also has the words she is saying flashing up on the screen. This is pointless, because she could have added relevant pictures, video or excerpts from her music video to make the video more exciting to watch. 
  • The way she sounds also isn't very appealing. She sounds quite bored and the tone of her voice is quite monotonous. As she's done all of the 4 evaluation questions in one video, her voice becomes slightly repetitive and I became quite annoyed listening to it. Also she seems to keep stumbling over her words, as if she isn't qutie sure what she's taking about, or that she's dictating from a script. This is quite frustrating because the sentences don't quite flow and make some parts difficult to understand. 
  • She could have used a lot more screen shots and excerpts from her actual music video. She seems to only be showing the same three shots every time. This wasn't very good for me because I haven't seen her music video before, so I had no idea what the actual video looked like. I managed to get a vagye view of what the video looked like from her analysis but she could have shown her video, or played the song she used, to give me more of an idea of what her final product looked like.
I like this evaluation, but this proves that we need to use different forms of technology but also to not sound bored when we're reading from our script!! This also shows me that we need to use a lot of examples from our final product, and possibly other artists videos just to give the audience watching a clearer picture of our motives and final outcomes. 

More to follow :)

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