Wednesday 24 October 2012

Final cut techniques: Colour saturation.

Earlier this year, before we had started planning for our music videos, we were placed in groups and had to find out a final cut technique and work out how to use it on a bit of footage etc. Unfortunately, the piece of footage that my group made has been deleted off one of the girl's in our groups account so I don't have the footage to show you. I'm going to try and describe what I remember and try and explain colour saturation.

Shot brightening and colour correction

I remember a few things about colour saturation, such as making the shot brighter, so that's the thing I'm going to start with. So, to actually bring the clour corrector up, you press the button Effects along the top bar of the final cut screen, then video filters, and then press colour corrector. Make sure not to press colour corrector three way, its just colour corrector!

So after clicking these buttons, a tab should appear that says 'colour corrector'. After clicking on that tab, these two colour wheels should appear:

One is marked 'Hue' and one os marked 'Balance'. The hue wheel makes it easier for you to change the objects in the shots to different colours. You are actually able to select certain objects in the shots and changing the colour of just those few objects.

Another important thing to be aware of on the colour corrector tab, is the toggles at the bottom of the screen. These toggles say 'Whites', 'blacks', 'mids' and 'sat'. By pushing the white toggles forward, you can bring out the whites or the light colours in the shot. As with pushing the black toggle forward, you will bring out the blacks and the greys in the shot, to make the shot darker etc. 

Also by fiddling with the 'sat' and 'mids' toggles you can bring the colours up in the sht such as the greens and blues etc. There are no specific colours that you can choose to bring up, however, the 'sats' button brings up the greens very well. You can also move the hue toggle in the middle of the circle and change the entire shot to a different colour.

Lastly, by moving all of the toggles to the end, it makes the shot duller if you want to take the colour out of it. This is about all I remember from when we did colour saturation! I also watched a video on youtube that helped me loads:

More to follow :)

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