Tuesday 9 October 2012

Update; 9th October

Today was our unsupervised lesson, and we finished our initial storyboard! yaaay at last!!

So a good 10 sheets of paper later we've completed it; although it is very very basic it has put our minds to rest as we have some sort of plan to work from now which is fantastic!

We completed the storyboard by playing the song and going through each shot we wanted to shoot, what would be in that shot, what angle it should be and any camera movement or actor movement - I feel like we've put most of this into the storyboard successfully however we need a wider range of shots I think.

We also discussed who we would like to act in our music video and came up with a few friends who we feel would be relatable to our target audience, whilst portraying the characters in our video and also we had to keep in mind if they are reliable and would be enthusiastic about working with us on this project!

After choosing a girl and a boy we went to chat with them and they both seemed really interested so tomorrow we will meet with them to discuss when we can go through the video with them and also next week we want to create a final storyboard made from pictures. I've also had the idea that I would like to add the final storyboard pictures over the song - I feel like this will give us a really good plan of exactly what we need to shoot, also the angles and shot types will become clearer if we are able to use a camera to see what the shot will actually look like instead of just drawing them!

Ok so our initial storyboard is in black and white and it only has stickmen, we know this isn't suitable however we plan for the final storyboard to be extremely detailed.

I next need to continue planning (which I would prefer to get finished before moving onto anything else, hence I've done mostly planning posts and less research) and then I want to look into my jobs in depth and some audience research!!

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